Sunday, September 18, 2011

I promise, I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth!

Yes, I'm still alive! I know it's been several months but, I promise, there is a very good reason! About 4 months ago my computer decided it had had enough and finally gave up on me and bit the dust.  They told me the motherboard was fried and it was a better idea to just get a new computer.  I haven't done that yet, but hopefully soon! Until then, posts are going to be a little spotty.  Though, i'm not even sure anyone is still reading this so I guess it doesn't matter haha

Quick life update! I found a full time job teaching music to elementary students and I'm loving it!! Other than that, there's not much going on.  It's been so nice to only focus on music and I feel like I'm learning even more teaching than I did while I was actually in school.  I want to celebrate being back with a post I've wanted to do for awhile:

SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!! So I have this weird love for buying school supplies.....whether I need them or not. There's just something about getting cute new notebooks, fun pens and LOADS of sticky notes that make me smile so I thought I'd share a few of my favorites:

1. Sticky Notes....I'm not sure what I would do with out these convenient little things.  If you would look on my desk they are EVERYWHERE! I would like to thank who ever it is that created them, you are a genius friend! They come in all sorts of crazy colors and sizes and there's always a new kind to find:

2. Sharpie Pens! I have a friend who collects sharpies....and I'm talking she knows how many she has, what colors they come in and when there is a new color collection out.....I used to make fun of her....not since I found the pen version! I rarely use anything else to write with now! Now, I'm starting to collect them haha 

3. Hand Sanitizer....this stuff is invaluable and I didn't realize it until I started teaching.  You can never use it too much or too often! My favorite is from Bath and Body Works because it sanitizes, moisturizes AND smells so so good!  
4. Journals!! I love buying a cute new journal! The blank pages just seem to call to me I guess :) Target is one of my favorite places to find one:

5. I couldn't survive without my planner! It keeps me organized when I want to do way more than I could ever remember on my own! Target is also a favorite spot for these :) 

So what are your favorites? Do you get as giddy about school shopping as I do?