Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Favorite Summer Things:

Fireflys, or Lightning Bugs as I grew up calling them, were one of the first signs that summer was officially here. I still get excited when I see one! 

I have some of the best memories of being a kid and sitting in my drive way with my brother and sister, eating Popsicles and talking.  I especially like making my own and experimenting with different flavors using fruit juices.  These look like fun to try to:  Grape,  Strawberry Short Cake and Fun Shaped!

If I could have had my way, I would have been barefoot from the time I could walk, but seeing as that is impossible, flip flops are the next best thing! (Don't get me wrong, I LOVE shoes, but we'll save that for another post ;) It wouldn't be long before even these got kicked off, but to this day they still symbolize summer for me! These are some of my favorites. 
 As a child Summer also meant longer days and more hours to play outside.  I still love the extra hours but I also love the sunsets that I get to watch every night.  Living in a city, sometimes it's hard to really see them,  but every now and then we get one that just blows me away and reminds me how creative our Creator is.

And as any good southern girl does......
 I love my Sweet Tea :) 
What are some of your favorite summer memories? 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Summertime

It's been a month since graduation and I don't think I'm any clearer on what the future holds than I was then....but that's ok.
I still can't believe how fast time flies and how easy it is to not realize it.  Since graduation I've not done much different then I did before.  Summer Conference was incredible and a much needed oasis from the craziness and uncertainty of life.  But fun on the beach had to come to an end and now I'm home trying to find a job and figure out what the next step is.  I HAVE been able to return to somethings I love since school has ended:
  1. Sleeping in, this is an art, let no one tell you otherwise ;)
  2. Cooking, I really enjoy getting in the kitchen and mixing textures and flavors and really experimenting with what's in the Kitchen 
  3. Writing Letters, this is actually what I'm most excited about! There's something special about getting an envelope in the mail with your name on it.  It's a simple something that shows you've been thought about.  I love knowing that I've put a smile on someone's face, and there is something I just love about fun stationary like this!!
I'm also hoping the time off will allow me to use this blog a little differently than I have.  Not only do I want to let you know what's going on in my life, but I also want to try and let you know a little more ABOUT me, so I'm going to try and use this blog that way by showing you more of the music, movies, food, oddities and other blogs that interest me and have been helpful as well.  Here's to Summer!