Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Bear of Very Little Brain

I think life is finally beginning to become routine. After 3 weeks of being at school, I think I've finally gotten my head wrapped around this year...a little....maybe.....sorta?......ok, let's just say I'm less stressed and not as intimidated by all that's on my plate and everything I have planned for this year. :)
Welcome Week was more amazing than I could have imagined, I'm loving classes so far and it's so good to have everyone back, including my roommate!! After living alone for three weeks, I was so ready for Cassie to be here and now that she's hear, everything feels like it's falling into place. I think we're both really excited about the year to come!
I think I will leave you with a thought from my favorite philosopher, Winnie the Pooh :)

"Sometimes, the more you think, the more there is no real answer"

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