Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Potter's Wheel

Life is exhausting!

But I'm loving every minute of it!

As is evident by the lack of posts, I'm a busy busy girl :) Between classes, workstudy, Activities, up-coming shows and competitions, practice hours, studying and trying to hang out with friends, the day just doesn't seem long enough. There aren't many of those days that I'd trade though.
I've recently been realizing and reveling in how dependent I am on my Savior. With everything I have on my plate it's easy for me to become overwhelmed, which means I quickly begin to figure out how I can pull myself up by my shoe laces and get my act together as the ship begins sinking. This also rapidly leads me to the realization that the is no possible way that I can even begin to get my life in order the way I want or should even with my stubbornness :) It's forcing me to be in constant communication with the one person who can handle an infinite amount of things at one time, all much bigger than the paper I have due next week. God knows my struggles even before I speak them and he knows how everything is going to turn out. It's been beautiful to be able to lean on my Holy Father and learn more about who He is. The potter's wheel may not always be comfortable or appealing, but I learn more when I'm being poked, prodded, mashed and reshaped.

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