Thursday, December 16, 2010

Half of What You Learn in College is Learned OUTSIDE of the Classroom

So I'm beginning to realize something.......I'm a horrid blogger! I would hate to bore you with the mundane details of my life, but going months and months at a time is just not acceptable! Well, let me see if I can catch you up:

This semester has been anything but the beginning to a calm and relaxed senior year, but that's normal for me :) It HAS been incredible though! I've learned so much over the past 5 months. Everything from how many trash cans you need at an event to asking for things like patience and energy when I lest expected I needed it. I learned I'm an introvert at heart. I learned that I have incredible friends that love me ESPECIALLY when I'm unlovable. I learned how much I love having a roommate and I learned that my Savior is nothing like I ever thought, and for that I'm thankful!!

Being Activities coordinator has been one of the hardest and most rewarding things I've ever done. I think it's taught me more things about myself than anything else I've done this year. At the beginning of planning an event, everything that has to come together is extremely daunting but the feeling of accomplishment and the knowledge that I was part of something that brought the student body together for a brief time is more than enough reward! There's nothing like starting something like that and getting to see it completed! I have a simply amazing team that has stood beside me the entire time and have such a talent for what they do. They do NOT get enough credit for what they do! They have helped me realize so much about myself and the act of serving unselfishly.

BLC has definitely been a highlight to my year. I am so so so thankful to be able to call each and every person on that team friend and know that I can lean on them completely, that they WANT me to lean on them! Being able to trust 8 other people that way is more of a blessing than I could have ever asked for!

The Lord has been so gracious this semester! But this post is already long so I'll save the rest until later :)

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