Friday, January 21, 2011


I'm kind of impressed with myself and how long I've kept this up. Normally it will last for a month or so and then slowly be forgotten or discarded in an attempt to find something to waste my time (something I don't have much of these days :) I have found I enjoy more than I thought I would though and hope to keep it up. I don't really know if anyone reads this or if I really want them to (haha). What I do know is that it allows me to empty my head a bit everynow and then to make room for all the other stuff I have to remember and helps me relax a little.
I don't really even know what I'm rambling on about at this point, nor do I know why I had this urge to get on here and type. BUT I did and so here I am, going on and on aimlessly and here you are reading, probably wondering why you made it this far. :)
ANYWAY, School is back in session after Christmas break and I'm suddenly very thnakful that I did nothing for a month but lay around and do house work. If I sit down for more than 30 minutes, it's probably because it's almost midnight and I need to be getting to sleep.
Despite my busy schedule, there isn't much that'd I'd be willing to give up...even my classes. This is one of the reasons I've loved College: you get to study what you love and you love what you get to study. Most of my music classes are done so this year I got to pick a couple extras to fill in space. My Introduction to Marketing class is actually pretty interesting and I'm sure will be useful if i ever decide to market myself to an audiance through music. My Christian Doctrine class is also pretty entertaining, especially when we start getting into different theological ideas, something I haven't been able to really discuss in awhile. All my other classes, Bio and Bio lab, choir and voice lessons are pretty normal but I'm still finding that I enjoy them, just as long as I have time to prepare....something I'm suprised I've actually been able to do. When you start adding up the hours each one of my activities takes (14 hours of class + 20 hours of BLC and Worksstudy + 18 hours of practice = 52 hours....and I haven't even counted time for homework and friends....and there's only 144 hours in a sleep...oh gosh I better stop now or I'll start stressing!....."Where is my calander...and my books...and AHHHH!" .....Ok I'm fine...I think) I thought I'd have less time than ever. But the Lord has been good and it seems like I have time to spare at the end of the day.....I just have to somehow get up the next day :)
Despite the fact that most days I go from 8-10 without stopping, I'm really begnning to enjoy this last semester.
I think it's what comes after the next 3 months that I'm worried about...!!!!

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