Thursday, February 3, 2011

Zoom Zoom

Some days, I just want to get in my car, roll the windows down, turn the radio up and DRIVE. Not to anywhere in particular mind you, I just want to feel the freedom that comes with riding down a highway with nowhere to be and time to spare. It's hard to do that in Jackson so I tend to go one of our outdoor shopping centers to walk around in the fresh air, but it's way too cold for that today and besides, I don't have the time.

I think this week has just made me restless. I have plenty to do, but the craziness of life that I was able to avoid during the Christmas break is starting to catch up with me.

Classes can get overwhelming

Work gets tedious

Sleep gets lost

Relationships are hard

Thankfully, I have a Savior who has it all under control. It's just so easy to forget that in the midst of everything. Brian Sorgenfri, the RUF Campus Minister at MSU preached at Pear orchard on Sunday on Jonah. I can be so much like Jonah sometimes, I forget how merciful and compassionate God is towards me, how much he longs to love on us and bless us. Brian reminded us that Heaven is unstoppable: there is no plan B. God doesn't need one because he can't fail. I'm so thankful that's who is holding me up, directing my path and catching me when I fall. His plan for me can't fail and I can't mess it up...........WHAT a relief!!

I still kinda want to go for that drive though........I'm still enjoying having Etta back ;)

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