Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another American Saturday Night

Time is funny. Sometimes it seems like it virtually stand still. Other times feels like it moves faster than you ever thought possible. Lately, is seems time is going by faster than I have time to process what's going on. I watched yesterday as a childhood friend of mine walked down the aisle, exchanged vows and was pronounced married. I'm so happy for her and her new hubby! She was radiant and the wedding was sweet. I just couldn't stop remembering all the times we had sat on our bedroom floors, talking about that special someone from the future. What he would be like, how many kids we'd have and all there names, what kind of job he would have and the color of the flowers at our wedding. Haha It seems just yesterday that our 11 year old selves were planning. :) And here we are and it just actually happened. It's all so surreal. So is the fact that this is my last year of college.I think most of us, if you're anything like me, dream about life will be like when we're all grown up and living on our own. I don't know about me but life looks nothing like what I thought it would at this point. I'm definitely one of those people that like to be in control and know the details, but the Lord is teaching me a lesson that my stubborn self tends to fight: Releasing control and trusting in him completely. Because my plan for my life is not exactly where I wish it was, I'm having to trust that He has it all under control and the other wonderful things and people that are coming into my life are for my good. The funny thing is, I fight it, I get angry and frustrated, but it always turns out for my good and looking back I can see how He's direction for my life is better than my own. How quickly I forget.
Way back when! I'm in the blue dress up front with the huge bow :)

Senior Year of High School. Top of the Empire State Building with the Bestie

Excited about Graduation!

I love music! If you keep up with this for very long (and I continue to write :) you will quickly find out how much of my life revolves around it. Music has been my happy place for as long as I remember and now I'm studying and getting a degree in it. I love music. But I especially love NEW music, or at least new to me music. Like most girls, there are certain things I don't mind spending lots of money on: Cloths, Shoes, Jewelery, Coffee Cups and MUSIC. Yesterday I bought 3 new CDs with some babysitting money and LOVE them! The Script, The Fray and Brad Paisley's new album American Saturday Night all get 5 stars from me!

Love his Music!

I used to go to the movies all the time, but after going to college it doesn't happen very often. I've become kind of picky about what movies I go see and spend money on now and so when my brother, sister and a couple friends and i went to see Despicable Me last night, I was a little skeptical. Confession time: I love sappy movies and action films, but have a hard time with over the top goofy movies. Don't get me wrong, I love a good one liner and can laugh at a stupid joke with the best of them, but too much means I zone out. Well I thought this movie was going to be over the top, but I went anyway trying to go in with an open mind. Well.......I really liked it!! It was funny in all the right places and had enough sap to satisfy even me. Plus, how can you not fall for those little minions! Adorable!!

These guys totally stole the show :)

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