Thursday, July 29, 2010


A friend and Co-worker handed this out in our meeting yesterday. It's funny the things the Lord uses to get your attention. I felt like the author had gotten inside my head and written down my thoughts, hopes and fears and then put it down on paper. I was suddenly very convicted, humbled and excited all at the same I thought I'd share :)

Prayer of Excellence

In the world of the ordinary, don't let me become ordinary.

In the world of average, don't let me settle for average.

In the world where there are so many normal people, let me be surrounded with
people who live above the norm.

In the world where everyone wants to stay the same, help me to desire to move on.

When it seems like I am alone in the world, let me embrace your l

In the world where there are people walking around without vision, let my world have vision without limits.

In the world where some want to go backwards, give me the push to go forward.

And when other want to give up on their call, let me rise above and fulfill my call.

In the world where there is no passion, give me an unusual passion for your presence.

While some are on the potter's wheel and beg to be removed let me beg to stay.

If I look at my past and feel overwhelmed, let me see my future and be overwhelmed at your goodness.

Take me through what I need to go through to get me where I need to go.

Christina Hilburn

I love those last three lines. Lord, let me not ask for the easy way out. But let me ask for the BEST way, YOUR way.

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