Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Praying Life

This is going to be a short one because, despite the fact that I've not done a whole lot today, I'm exhausted. How does that happen?
Anyway, I did want to tell you about this book that I am reading this summer: A Praying Life by Paul Miller. Go get it and read it! It has been such a blessing to me during this time of my life even though I wish I had read it earlier. It is a very honest but insightful book on prayer and constant communion with God. The subject matter is amazing but it's not a hard read. The chapters are short and he writes in plan English :) (it bugs me sometimes when I can't understand a book because it seems that the author was determined to use the biggest words in the English language. Maybe it shouldn't, but it does)
Not much else to tell at this point other than life is steadily moving forward and summer is quickly drawing to a close. I am excited about all this next year has to hold, but I also don't think I'm ready to get back to the studying and practicing and planing. But that's a post for another time. Right now it's time for me to get off, turn off the light and drift off into dream land. After all, there is money to earn in the morning :) Goodnight!

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