Friday, July 16, 2010

Trust seems this has been the theme for my life lately. Trust that this is going to happen or trust that this person will come through or trust that this or that will be provided. I started keeping the word "trust" on my phone last year as I was dealing with stuff last year: relationships, timing, assignments, etc. and i have a feeling it's going to stay on my phone for quite a while haha I wanted to share some of the main things I'm trusting in the Lord for this year so that you (if anyone is even reading this) can pray with me if you think about it that the Lord would cultivate a trusting spirit in me, calm my fears and worries and give me HIS peace.

  1. School- I know this is kind of cliche but it is something I am having to put in His hands and something that is going to be a constant struggle for me to give up. Between classes, practice hours (music major, remember :), study time, work study and my new position as Student Coordinator of activities, Juggling my time, staying sane and doing well are going to be huge this year! I'm so excited for what's to come! But I also know how quickly I can jump to worrying, stressing and trying to control everything in my little world.
  2. Graduation- I've already begun to worry about getting to this point. haha I shouldn't be, but there are a lot of things that will change after wards. Mainly, my friends and I are all going to end up going our separate ways and I'm not ready for it. I enjoy having them just down the hall or across campus. Plus, I know our relationships are going to change. This is all ok and from what I hear, normal, but it doesn't make it any easier when I think about watching them all go.
  3. After Graduation- I think this is what i am most worried about. I have too many options and yet at the same time none at all right now. Being a music major doesn't lend you to a lot and grad school is almost necessary now. Life is not at all what I thought it would be like now. Honestly, I think I had this image in my head that I would be dating a guy who I would marry soon after graduation. He would have a good job lined up, we'd get married, start our life and never look back. Oh what damage our little girl fantasies can do! :)
I was at Summer RUF last night and Chad was our speaker. We've been going through Philippians all summer and talking about Heavenly Joy. Chad's sermon hit me hard. His basic point was that as Christians, we are to always be pressing forward toward the Lord's return with Hope because of the prize that awaits us. He told us that we must forget the past and look forward to the prize, trade in the world's glory for Heaven's and hope for something better than the world. As he was talking I realized how self absorbed I am, with all of MY worried and MY wants and MY needs and how much I've pushed my Heavenly father aside and our relationship for other relationships that I think are going to fulfill me. I worry so much about work, school, and what other people think about me that I forget that I have a heavenly father that KNOWS me better than I know myself and still loves me and wants me in Heaven with Him someday! That's insane!
All that to say, There is no need to worry about the future because I have a God who is all-powerful, perfect and LOVES ME!!

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