Saturday, July 24, 2010

"There's a Snake in My Boot!"

I always considered those who go to a movie theater by themselves a little depressing. I mean, you go in alone, sit in the middle of a row somewhere like an island in the middle of an upholstered sea, stare blankly in space until the movie starts because you have no one to pass the time with, as people pity you because they think you've either been stood up or have no friends and a social life. And then, when the movie is over, you leave alone, get in your car, and go home. Just like that.


But tonight, I braved the loneliness, pitying looks and awkward seating situations to go see Toy Story 3.
Even they look horrified at the thought

I just couldn't help it any longer! Toy Story is the first movie I remember seeing as a child in theaters and I HAD to see the last one in the same way. No if, and or buts about it. The problem was both my siblings had seen it, mom wanted to wait until Dad could go with her and most of my friends had already seen it or where not around. Now can you see what I was up against?? SO I decided to do the unthinkable and go by myself. Turns out, I loved it!!
It was so nice to get away, enjoy the ride to the theater by myself with the music I wanted to listen to, get there when I wanted to and sit where I wanted without anyone else having complaints. I need to say right here that my friends and family are not overly pick about all of this, but it's just nice sometimes to only have to worry about one's self.
I was also able to let myself go emotionally during the movie which probably wouldn't have happened had I been with someone else. I am going to admit right here and now that I cried. Yes, you read right, I cried during Toy Story 3. I'm not ashamed to tell you about it, you watching me cry would have been a different story, but no one was there so it didn't matter....or at least anyone I will be seeing again.

I love my friends, I love going to movies with my friends. Don't worry, I won't make this a habit :) but I may enjoy going by myself more every now and then when I really need to get away and decompress.

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