Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blessing Upon Blessing

You know those moments were you realize how blessed you really are and feel like you could just burst with it?! The moments you feel everything in the World is right, (or at least in your little world) and nothing can take that away? When you realize what really matters in life and it doesn't matter what you do and don't have because everything just feels right in that one moment?
I'm having one of those moments :)
I get so caught up in what I don't have, how stressed I am or what others think of me that I so easily forget how much the Lord has given me and who He has put in my life!

I have such a loving and supportive family who always loving point me to Christ

Amazing Friends

I love who I work with

An Unbelievable Community of Believers

A house, cloths and plenty of food

And though I might complain about it sometimes, I'm thankful that I get to study my passion and my family fully supports me in that...even though there is a good chance I'll have to live in a box after I graduate to make ends meet haha

Most of All, I'm thankful that our Heavenly Father was merciful and gracious to me and called me to be His own. It's amazing to look back and see from where and to where he's brought me. I'm in awe every time I think about it.

But I do tend to forget WAY too often. I pray more and more that he would remind me and you and that we would grateful, even when life gets hard and we begin to doubt that He has a best interests at heart. It may seem hopeless and impossible sometimes, but those are the moments that cause us to fully depend on Him, like we always should. Those are the times when our.....my relationship with Christ is strengthend and deepened and it becomes a little more like what it should've been before the Fall. Believe it or not, those are some of the moments I look back and cherish the most because that's when I catch a glimpse of what it should be like: Me, completely dependent and Him, all-powerful and in complete control, as usual :)

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